The One Before We Set Off On The Bikes
You maye have noticed ive five got some photos arranged below. hurrah! I bought a small card reader... Radio Shack (curses!) didnt have any... but i did go into an underground computer 'warehouse'and got one there. Ive been whizzing around town like a proper San Francisco-er. Ive got the hang of the traffic, its much more considerate than in England.. nice n easy really.
I took a short film on my camera, of a nice n buff fire engine screaming by Union Square, dodging a tram with sirens whailing. Clkic here and see if it works for you. I got pretty excited. Will you?? (you need broadband, slow coaches)
Ruth, the pen-knife you gave me has been good luck all the way, and chopped and opened things left right and centre. I even lost it (and all my keys) in a park, got on a bus for 10 minutes, realised, got told how to make a million dollars by a sunburned man with bright bue eyes (he hoped id find them again), went back to the park and found them. So Thankyou!!
So tomorrow morning we set off on the first leg of the trip. I dont have the guide book with me, so i cant tell you where ill end up by the end of tomorrow, but the trip takes us through Half Moon Bay, Santa Cruz, Montery, Carmel, Big Sur, San Luis, Santa Barbara, and a lot of coastal ranges, beaches, cliffs and sunsets.
Today we were trying to scoop up the last of the things we need. Because we are biking proffessionals we went straight to the One Dollar Shop and then back to the Goodwill Charity shop. We got a bike rack for $1, some water bottles, bungee cords, cagouly type jackets, sweets and party dresses for our stop offs. We also have a bunch of tools and tubes. Oh and we've fixed fruit crates onto the back of the bikes too, hobo style. Cable Ties Forever!
All thats left to do is buy a bike pump, and post my heavyish rucksack down to LA where ill meet it. Travelling light is the name of the game. Well whatever it is, it has to fit into the crates.
RIGHT... just heard my dorm will be empty tonight, so i can mess it up with my new found charity goods. Nic adores buying crap in dollar shops, i wonder what her bike will look like by tomorrow. Heres a map of California, we'll be hugging the coast all the way. I Proabbly wont be on here for a while, but you never know do you. Internet eh, its everywhere these days.

Good luck kiddo! Pleased the penknife is coming in handy, and even more pleased you're wearing a helmet. Good lad. Have a fab time. Lots of love from me & Nick xxxx
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