Its all been a bit well flat... and windy since leaving Big Sur. I really enjoyed San Lois Obispo... quite snoozy but still with life and bike friendly (ie no 5 lanes to cross to get your paper).

We did pass through an incredible place called Guadelupe... which was founded as a Mexican town on a govermnet grant in

1850 or so. Its been the closest toa wild west town... but it wasnt that wild. Theyed filmed the 1920's silent film Ten Commandments there, and made some huge film sets, and then buried them in the dunes outside of town. THeyre looking for them with sonar equipment apparently. We met a great man called Anothony who owned a car repair shop, who came out onto the empty street to meet us and chat. He had a great map of California painted onto the side of his building. We signed his guestbook and i got a nice picture of him waving under the map, which ill put in here once i gat them off the blah blah. I wanted some Root Beer and went into the best dusty cafe ive ever been into. they didnt have any, but i got somethihne else he said was nice, and it was.

We camped in Reffugio State beach, which was a proper posh beach side (really beach side) camp ground, with palms and white sand. Ive never been on a beach like that, so it was quite exiciting. we took two nights, and before leaving left our mark on the well carved picnic bench. Oh had a swim too, and got mushed about and tangled in sea weed.

Today we are in Santa Barbara, almost to LA. theres a artsy fair on, and i will make the most of it by visiting the BBQs. we're mnot stopping here, but will continue south a bit.
weathers been windy.. but thats part of the deal isnt it.
onwards and upwards. down really though isnt it. ?
the black thing in the middle here- a dolphin! we were watching a surf competition, excpet there wasnt really any waves, but there were a few dolphins playing about. Corr
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