Thursday, November 09, 2006


well well well- i have a new plan, and it s anice one. Here in San Diego ive met 4 nice canadian guys, who are on a cycle trip too. Theyre headed down through mexico, guatamala, Hondura, Nicuragua and Panama. Theyve been nice enough to let me tag along for a bit! Im very happy about this. Its funny the way things work out. So today they will pass back through Ocean Beach, pick me up, and we will all cross the border and find some fun in Mexico. I will be 1st Auxiliary Reserve, 5th Wheel. Ill travel with them for about 4 weeks, down the length of Baja which is 800 miles, cross by ferry onto mainland mexico, and somewhere after that ill turn back on a bus, head through LA and get my rucksack, and shoot on up into Canada mid december.

Ive got some new toys for the bike, and have proper pannier bags now, so at least things shodulnt fall out on the road. Although my water bottle popped out of the bike at a big interesection yesterday. I turned back to fetch it, but then i watched it get run over by 4 cars, right like they were going for it. crunch squish. So i said goodbye, sniffed and continued. I went to get an $8 haircut, but it was $10 if you didnt want it buzzed to a velvety finish with the clippers. Theres a lot of military bases and barracks here.

Ive met some really great people here, its a fantastic place and i woduilnt hesitate to stop here again. theres a lot of skateboards, loads of surfers, and best still, theres a ton of beards. I had a go on a long board last night, id like to have one someday. I came close to running into some Llamas on it, i think they were Llamas, they smelled horrible.

I dont know much about where im going, but i think the boys do, and theres safety in numbers. Just ask those heards of Gazelles who dash across crocodile infested rivers. I will keep to the middle of the pack.

Matt has a laptop with him, which may or may not connect with the rest of the world, but he guessed 'every 3 or 4 days'.


PS I should learn more spanish


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