No is hasnt been that bad... maybe its just my arse and legs getting tired? who can tell. We met a fantastic Australian couple, Ben and Corrine in Guerrero Negro, which is where i wrote the last blog entry. Theyve been treating us to some lovely cooking, Sea Bass and Clams, which theyve been catching. Wow that was 12 days ago... we}ve been leapfrogging each other since then. They are in a Van. We are not that fast. But slow and steady wins the race, yes?

Next town stop was San Ignacio, 2 days after leaving. This was written up as "An Oasis in the desert". It wasnt bad though.. it had palm trees, and thinsg were becoming much more lush and green. Ben and Corrine had beat us there, and found a kooky little family run place that would get us in for $10 US a room with 3 beds, which was a good deal hu. We had a lovely meal in their little restaurant. The husband ran out to get the ingredients. Mine was a beef stew and it was great. At 2am i was sick like a fire hydrant. As it was shooting out i thought "All that nice food!" but it didnt look as good the second time around. I felt much better. I think they were keeping c

ockroaches in a pipe that came out of the ground too. They brought their whole family around the next morning to meet us. We said Hello, they said Hello, then we looked at each other for a bit. It was nice.
One of the nicest moments was playing football in the street with a bunch of kids who laughed a lot and it was just magic. Then i felt ill again. Hoo Hey.
Curtis}s birthday was up next, and we wanted to get to the east coast to swim in the postcard Sea of Cortez. We got there, but the hurricane we didnt know about had washed up a world of crap all over the place, so no swimming there. We met a cheery

Wolfgang who waves at the camera here on the way in to town where we ate tacos together at
Pepe's. He was heading north on his bike, presumably up
Devils Mouth which we had just rode all the way down. Sucker!! Ups and downs ay. The next day I met Hugo & Hugo in a bar, they were a Father and Son super team and were BIG pink floyd fans. They ran me back to the hotel to meet everyone else. It turned out they could get you anything you wanted and it was all pretty wierd. THey hung about with us for 3 days, and i kept dissapointing Hugo Jnr by forgetting the words to Wish You Were Here over and over while he smiled and played it on guitar. Im quite good at shotgunning a beer now, ill teach you. Curtis had a good birthday and it was time to get back on the saddle.

South to Mulege, and there was more beaches that looked more Post Apocalyptic than Tropical, but we kept going and eventually found some nice ones. Ben and Corrine were with us still and its been great to spend time with them. We loafed about, swam, played basket ball with our new neighbour Barry and brothers Gent & Luke from Canada. I found a pair of goggles for 15 pesos, which is about a pound, and did some night swimming to see the phosphorescent glow of... well im not sure what it is- i need to read up on that, but its a glowing of organisms in the water when you disturb them. You can see it if its dark enough, and it feels a lot like swimming in space. WOO! Like a 1960s special effect, its pretty magical. Then i got scared, thought about jelly fish and got out quick.
Last night i saw three shooting stars, but they werent nearly as bright at that first one i saw back by the shipwreck. I wonder what that means?? Youre right, Nothing. I should mention the sky though. The stars are incredible. Every night is a clear view of the Milky Way stretching all the way across, and ever since I lost the roof of the tent back in california, ive never looked back.

We stopped at a place to eat yesterday, and saw this man there who was chopping up the side of beef here. We wondered if it were like the cows we've seen with Vultures sat on top. Mine was nice though. And I like this photo!
Matt and Curtis have stayed back at Cyote Beach with Ben and Corrine, while the remaining 3 of us were feeling a bit too lazy and so have continued alone to meet them in La Paz, which is the southern most point we will get to in Baja, where we'll take the ferry from, across to the main land.
The rest of this bunch of photos are in here:
http://www.afilmcalleddads.com/photos/set12And finally i managed to get some video off the camera from yesterday... it should hopefully play, but you will probably have to right click on it and choose
Save Target As or someting similar. Now you can pretend
you too are riding through mexico with socks that can kill a cyote!! Get it here:
http://www.afilmcalleddads.com/photos/set12/MVI_0082.AVIAdios Amigos
I never had you for a dickie stomach fella....but it seems like all the pipes are playing :P. what you been eating ? Road kill ?
Hi John I'm in the ICT suite with a class of kids all on NorthPole.com.......Keep on pedalling! Auntie(sort of) Linda.
i'm going to the kittiwake tonight with ross & phill. we will toast your health with their finest spittlegrass.
all my love & best wishes. i'm glad you're doing so well.
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