Uh Oh
The silver lining was meeting David, almost as soon as we wheeled into town at midnight with no place to stay. He was just finishing work, and offered to put us all up in his house. It was an amazing offer, and we ended up being there for 6 or 7 nights. He was fantastic, and we had a great time with him. he ran a Disco club, which was a pretty funky building that looked arabian and seemed to have no roof but it did. And bats. We helped him out with some bar work and it was good stuff. two drink options- bottle of beer or shot of tequila made it fortunately simple enough for us. But i think david made more drinks money off us than all the customers combined. Im pretty sure he did actually.
Then some things begand to fall apart. Matt lost his passport and all docuemnts somewhere in town. Hes had nought but trouble trying to police reports, emergency passports and his cards replaced. He took an overnight trip to Oaxaca City to a consulate, but it looks like he cant geta new passport for 6 weeks, meaning he cannot continue through central america. Theres reasons for everything that i dont understrand, but thats wat it looks to be. We´re all miserable about that, especially because its his first trip outside of Canada. Ken became ill with something, which kncoked him out for 3 days but it hes ok today. It looks as though time and money will affect all the group, as events happen back home for everyone and priorities are changing.
Finally after these delays we set off tomrorow, trying to get to the border. Its almost 700km though, and the heat is almost too much to walk around in, maybe itll be easier moving on the bike though. Im not bringing the bike back either, so ill try and find someone nice to give it to, hopefully in Guatemala.
Phewey. Doooom! Lightning!! We´re chin up folks though, and once we start moving again moods will lighten. I have only 15 days left before i fly up from south mexico back upto tijuana to begin my trip back through USA and out of san francisco and back to Manchester (where it will be raining). That all begins on the 21st Jan, so i dont even know if i can get to Guatemala before turning back. Booo. Id like to at least cross the border for a day. Ill face some kind of problem when i get up to the mexico/america border since i have some issues that are again too complicated and boring to explain, so lets hope im not stuck in tijuana border control quarantine.
Its easy to be glum about it... and harder to remember that the original 500 mile trip to LA grew to what´s now over 2000, and I feel amazing for having that opportunity. Its not finished yet, so pick up your heels boy!
more pictures are inside http://www.afilmcalleddads.com/photos/set13 and http://www.afilmcalleddads.com/photos/set14
Hi John
Your mum put me onto your blog and I`ve really enjoyed reading all your posts. What an epic journey! You certainly don`t do things by half do you?
We`re living in France now and I`m also writing a blog - not so exciting as yours though and I can`t do the photos! I know how nice it is to get comments though.
I hope all goes well with the rest of your trip.
Love Chris (Phillips)
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