Vision... blurring...
I have 5 days riding remaining before my flight back up to Tijuana from Tapachula, and im in funny times. Im really ready to go home now.
Which is a good thing!
I think that means ive finished with all the reasons and whats of why i wanted to come out here. Or its just me at breaking point. speaking fo which, theres beena lot of breaking points in the last few days, for everyone. But one thing about this small group of friends ive been thoroughly impressed with is everyones abilty to let things go and get on eith things. Its been astonishing, and hopefuly somehitng i can take away with me.
Its been windy, but its wind like from a hair dryer set to hot. We arrived and Salina Cruz 5 days ago ish, and it was the windiest place ive ever been to. I mean i felt sick. It was like the end of the world was coming but no one cared. Apparently its like that all the time, but i found it really disturbing. It was pink from the sunset when we rode in and we codulnt even stay on the road. Crap was blowing al over the place and evertyone just did their thing like normal. A bit like the end of Ghostbusters, or the storm in Philidelphia Experiment if youve seen that. So i didnyt like it there... which is odd for me, itd usually take something more than just weather to put me off something. (but it was scary!)
THere are 250km left, which with my maths is 50km a day to go. which isnt much, but the heat is pretty debilitating anytime after 11am. lots of water. Weve just left Oaxaca state, and passed into Chiapas, which is the southern most state in mexico. Its also the poorest, and is very jungle like and humid.
Right now we are in Ariaga. Me, tom and curtis are in an internet place which is long and thin, its about 40 degrees. theres music from everything outside and we´re getting stared at a lot, but in a nice way, i think. Ken and Matt are off at a bike shop getting some spokes fixed, they ran into each other this morning and broke a few things. I bought an ice lolly kind of thing from an old man who was walking a cool box along the hard shoulder of the highway we were on. He waved them at us like lightsabres, It was so hot, funny place to walk. Mine tasted of vegetables.
But But but but but but but but but, ths is all no news because - I am an Uncle now!! Ive just had news from home that my sister Ruth has given birth today, to Fred :) Im looking forward to meeting him, and in the years to come forcing my interests onto him. I think id be good at reading stories too, ill give that a go. I bet he likes Thundercats...
And more pictures are in here if you like:
Congrats fella on becoming an Uncle.
wow John what a trip. I'm catching up with this late at a night as ever and it makes my head spin! It looks like you've managed to make it an amazing journey....
Jon (Wood)
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